Countertactics for 442B
weaker opponent
stronger opponent

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Against a weaker team you should choose 433B as your formation.
Make sure to put each player on the right position (e.g. a LB should be put on the LB position)

How to beat Countertactics for 442B - formation

Your style of play should be Wing play

How to beat Countertactics for 442B - style of play

Your line tactics have to be adjusted as follows

Marking and offside play should also be adjusted

The sliders have to be set like this

Against a stronger team you should choose 4231 as your formation
Make sure to put each player on the right position (e.g. a LB should be put on the LB position)

Your style of play should be Shoot on sight

Your line tactics have to be adjusted as follows

Marking and and offside play should also be adjusted

The sliders have to be set like this

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